Monday, April 16, 2012

Scrap 'N Chat Ad/Art Challenge

Is it really the 15th already?!!! My how the time flies....  At Scrap 'N Chat my ad/art challenge is posted.

In the past two months, I have been auto traveling on numerous occasions. That was the theme I was looking for when I started looking for a great ad/art piece for this month. I stumbled upon this website via Pinterest, my new best pal, LOL!!! Let’s see what you can do with these “de-motivational posters” in April. Remember, you don’t have to copy the posters provided. Just use them to inspire some work of your own. Perhaps the colors speak to you, the graphic style or maybe the poster reminds you of a great photo you have sitting around just waiting to be scrapped. You can make any paper craft, just let us know what it is that inspired you from the ad you chose.

 From their website: “Spring has sprung: time to get outside and travel… or not. In the spirit of the now classic “demotivational poster,” these mock travel posters put a new level of laziness in the idea of going places… in fact, you might just stay at home in your very comfy bed, drink something spirit lifting and surf the internet. I mean, it’s a big scary world out there!

While some people might actually find these posters de-motivational, for others they’re just the sarcastic kick needed to get them out of the house, listening to the breeze, admiring a tree and maybe even going out traveling. But, you don’t have to go far to see the great outdoors, sometimes it’s enough to simply go outside and breath to get that mini-vaca you so badly need.

Created by the ever funny and talented Caldwell Tanner over at College Humor, each of the posters has a quirky, retro feel, something like a vintage screen printed National parks poster with a cartoon twist.”

To see the website, go here:
To see the artist, go here:


I liked the colors of the cell phone poster and the tree line of the Skyrim poster. So here's what I came up with.

Come play along with us at Scrap 'N Chat.

Until next time...

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