Monday, June 21, 2010

I have a new obsession

Along with scrapping, stamping, cooking,  reading, movies and travel, I have developed a new hobby. But not just a "hobby", an OBSESSION. And it is really overwhelming me right now. I purchased a new Xbox 360 game for my husband for Christmas. "Fable II" has sat in the entertainment center unopened and unused until last month when I broke it out. I watched him play the first day and when he went to bed I was up for hours playing. I woke up the next day, had my shower and breakfast, started a load of laundry and heated up the game. I was still playing when he got home, hours later. I had not stopped for lunch, to move the laundry or anything. Since that day I have tried to keep my playing to just a few hours a day, but sometimes I must admit it is hard. "Hello, my name is Resa and I am a game-a-holic."

Gaming. I used to think it was just for kids. But when I see the actual games, some of this stuff is definitely meant for adults. I mean, I like the Lego Batman, Indiana Jones and Star Wars sagas. They are cute and send you off to find things and complete tasks. And who can resist a cute little Lego avatar persona? LOL!! But apparently the makers of Fable II were made aware of my "likes" to those Lego games and created something else. Anyway I managed to complete the whole game in a couple of weeks and have now purchased the expansion pack to continue my life as a hero.

So today I am trying to keep myself busy and keep myself out of Albion (the world of Fable). I have completed one layout for "Layout Tag" on Ch{all}enge Masters. Unfortunately, I cannot post it yet, but will with the whole story behind it. I have been lazy with my layouts this month, thanks to the above. I am attempting to make a go at it today, along with laundry again. There is so much new stuff at Michael's I would like to purchase, but I have to get rid of some of the stuff I have hoarded at home first.

Back to the art desk.....

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