Saturday, October 15, 2011

One the first day of Halloween......... BOO!!

Sign up for the 12 Days of Halloween at Scrapping the Moments!!! 

We will be creating a Halloween layout by following 12 days of instructions. Each day our fearless Halloween Diva will post a new thing to add to your layout......and on Halloween we will reveal our layouts.  Get it?!  Got questions?  Sound fun?!

There is even going to be a prize!  

We will be starting Oct.20 with the reveal on the 31st!  
Head over to the Scrapping the Moments forum now and sign up!!!


  1. ohhh i like that...halloween diva! lol! thanks for posting it Resa!

  2. This is so Cute!! I think we should all post it on our blogs.

  3. This is great!!! I hope you don't mind if I copy it to my blog.
