Today is the last Sunday of the month. As I have just begun to be an avid participant of the Ch{all}enge Masters website, today was D-Day. All March projects had to be completed, photographed and uploaded to their website by midnight. I was very happy when I realized I completed 12 paper projects this month. Well technically, one was an altered candle. But it was 12 projects all in the same. I was also chosen to be a Designer of the Week during week 2. I received an email this afternoon inviting me to be a Guest Designer for the month of April. I am feeling very enthusiastic and creative thanks to the fine ladies working hard at this site. I extend a hardy "Thank You" to all those involved.
On top of the glee I am feeling regarding the above paragraph topic, I am happily sitting here knowing that I accomplished many projects this weekend. One of which was the shopping and purchasing of my teenage daughter's prom dress. Shopping is not rated highly in my book. I tell you now that I would rather sit through a televised golf game or a lecture on the drying of wet paint than shop. (sorry golf fans and paint watchers everywhere) Take me to a mall and I find the largest book store with a coffee shop to hide. But as I was the carrier of the wallet today, I had to be directly involved.
Usually shopping with my daughter for clothing of any sort is a nightmare. I spout "this shirt is too short, too tight, too tacky". She thinks "Shut up Mom and let me grow up". Today we both must have taken our sensible pills. There was no bickering or arguing of any sort. My opinions were expressed and not batted back at me with a racket. She tried on every item I asked her to try without the rolling of the eyes or "come on MOM!" She asked for insight and accepted whatever I said. I let her try on prom dresses until she was satiated. Then we headed over to the food court to split a value meal and discuss the rest of the ensemble. Later we found the perfect shoes and bag without raising a voice. All in all the whole experience was ............... grown up.
What has happened to that little girl of mine? Could it be that she is growing up and realizing that her mom knows a thing or two about the world and what lives in it? We talked all afternoon at the mall amid whining children, sluggish window shoppers and the child train ride that tried to run us over on our last visit. Even the ride home was pleasant. A normal car ride with DD involves an MP3 player and headphones. I listen to the car radio and attempt to talk to her between the newer songs I do not know while she blocks me out with her own brand of music via the headset. I tire of yelling her name to get her attention. She tires of me interrupting her. Today we discussed driving techniques, friendships and boys. We giggled, talked badly about people we don't like and poor drivers on the road. We had a great time.
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