Saturday, May 28, 2016

Crafting Again

I don't know if it is because I am reading so much. I don't know if it's because my boss talked me into a trying a new project. Or it could be because I was able to start back with my artisan group this month, but the creative juices seem to be flowing again. (I was even planning a mini album last night for MYSELF!! lol)

The Altered Art Carolinas group decided to try a ribbon mixed media project this month. I decided to make something for the upcoming newly decorated bathroom that will hit our house this summer. I may even go get the wall paint today because one of the home improvement stores has paint on sale for the holiday weekend.

I am going with a "beach" theme in there. My project used some fish netting and strings of shells in place of some of the ribbons. One of the ribbons I used had a fish scale effect to it so it shimmers in the light although you can't really see it in these photos. I just love how this came out.

To the ladies who helped provide some supplies I was missing for this project, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Change In Focus

After months and months of crafting burn out, I have decided to change my focus for a while and complete a reading challenge this year. I decided in MARCH, not January, to work on the Popsugar book challenge which I have listed on my blog page "Book Challenge 2016". I realize the title is not so fancy, but it does the trick. I am attempting to read 40 books this year. And since I started late and I average 10 - 15 books a year generally, this should certainly be a challenge for me.

In my reading I have discovered that I am enjoying journaling my progress in my Happy Planner as well as here and on the Goodreads website. So while my blog will be quiet this year with crafting entries, I am keeping track of my books completed. Maybe some crafting will sneak in when I least expect it.

Until next time...